By Barbara River Holmes
(From The Albany Herald [Albany, Georgia], December 5, 2003)
“As a dear friend would say, 'lovely.'" There is no other single word to describe the Colquitt/ Miller Arts Council's first professional production, 'A Southern Christmas Carol.' Though the mastermind of 1843's 'A Christmas Carol,' Charles Dickens himself couldn't have written a better account of the spirit of Christmas. At least not Christmas in 1933 Depression-ridden Southwest Georgia. 'Daddy's family lost everything in the war,' says Belle (Katie Wiegers), Scrooge's once fiancée, in a coy, sad and graceful Southern slur. 'The whole lot of them ain't nothin' but sharecroppers now.'"…Written by Rob. Lauer, musically arranged by Steve Hacker and choreographed by Atlanta's Karen Beyer, 'A Southern Christmas Carol' brings Dickens' tale of greed and giving one step closer to home, making Ebenezer Scrooge a wealthy cotton gin owner. 'Bah, horse hockey!' the cold-hearted Scrooge (Peter Lewis — fabulous! hilarious! believable!) groans before his transformation into a Christian man willing to give his money to help those, as he says, inflating the surplus population — that is, the poor. "Meant to explore some Southern themes like

(Pictured above) Top photo: Peter Lewis as Old Man Scrooge and Jimmy Bishop as the Ghost of Christmas Present in the original 2003 production of "A Southern Christmas Carol." Above right photo: Jordan Coughtry as Eb and Katie Weigers as Belle in the 2003 Cotton Hall Production. Bottom photo: Allison Spragin and Eppie & Sincee Daniels as Tiny in the 2005 Cotton Hall Production.